The Scene: a tiny school in Midelt, Morocco-close to the Sahara desert. 10 ladies on a holiday designed to help them find their outlet for escaping long hours back in the real world ( is it the ‘real’ world?). Looking to find a new passion to help them leave work early one day a week or leave their laptop in its bag on the weekend . We all crowded into a tiny classroom together with 15-20 small school children. Neither the teachers or the children could speak English (in Morocco they speak Arabic & French) . A few claps in a simple rhythm from one of our ladies & the children followed. A few more claps and they followed again… suddenly we shared the common language of music…..moments later we sang together- the hokey pokey , kookaburra and a few other well known Aussie songs – all with accompanying actions…. the children eager to come up to the front to clap 👏 with us. Just 20 minutes later we left tiny faces with huge smiles, hugs and a bond that brought tears to our eyes. Moroccan Chill Tours giving back – what is your passion?
( we did not take photos of the children to protect their innocence but the memory is forever imprinted on my brain).