Linking Creativity to Innovation in the workplace

Constantly living in the corporate world of left brain analytical thinking can dull your creative right brain … but right brain thinking drives innovation and strategic focus.

This article describes why creativity is so very important to building skills to innovate.

Innovation starts with creativity, and creativity is activated by broad exposure to different experiences and ideas. Being able to see from multiple perspectives helps to trigger empathy, which has been found to be essential for identifying the end user’s needs and ensuring innovations best meet these needs.

Yet what happens when we are unable to see more than one perspective at a time? How does that impact our ability to think creatively?

Most Artists and non-artists view the world differently. When groups of both are filmed viewing a series of pictures to see what their eyes focus on, artists have been found to scan the whole picture, including the “empty” spaces. Non-artists, on the other hand, typically focus on objects and people.

This study and others that have been done in the area indicate artists are able to break down what they see into the abstract elements, while non-artists tend to see what they expect as complete, archetypal images. Visualising all the elements of a situation from an artist’s “multi-perceptual” perspective is therefore critical for being able to find unique solutions.

Moroccan Chill Tours will take you out of the corporate world and into the real world of exotic Morocco ! We will trial many creative pursuits to help you escape back into your right brain and reenergise your ability to innovate ….

1:1 coaching during the tour will help you to plan your approach to 2018; to make sure you keep more balance between your left and right brain thinking !

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