In modern day living stress has become a way of life. We often don’t put our health first but our careers first and power on because we have to get it done! But at what cost?
Stress management is important for our overall health. If your keen to have a long and healthy life, you need to manage your stress now.
Perhaps you don’t know how to manage your stress.
What do you do to relax your mind and body?
When was the last time you stopped, stepped back and did something just for you?
In his article Dr Eliaz talks about the benefits of meditation, exercise and sleep.
Reducing stress in your everyday life is vital for maintaining your overall health, as it can improve your mood, boost immune function, promote longevity and allow you to be more productive. When you let your stress get the best of you, you put yourself at risk of developing a range of illnesses – from the common cold to severe heart disease. Stress has such a powerful impact on your well being because it is a natural response that is activated in the brain. Let’s examine how this process works, why stress affects you the way it does, and the severe impacts it can have on your health.
On our Jameela Tour we will be exploring the benefits of daily meditation and yoga and their impact on reducing stress.